Alright, so, let’s talk about this “huncho shot” thing. I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, just gonna tell it like it is, you know? Like how we talk back home, plain and simple.
First off, seems like this “huncho” word means somethin’ ’bout a big shot, a leader, you know? Like the head rooster in the chicken coop. But this ain’t about chickens, is it? It’s about guns and shootin’, and that ain’t nothin’ good.

Heard tell of some fella, Rylo Huncho, young kid, just 17. Seventeen! Barely a man, really. And what happens? He’s foolin’ around with a gun, makin’ one of them TikTok videos, and bam! Shoots himself. Lord have mercy, what a waste. A whole life gone, just like that. Makes you think, don’t it?
- Think about them mamas and daddies, cryin’ their eyes out.
- Think about all the things he coulda done, places he coulda seen.
- All gone ’cause of a dang gun.
Now, some folks sayin’ it was an accident. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. But a gun don’t just go off by itself, you know? You gotta be careful, gotta respect it. It ain’t a toy. It’s a tool, and a dangerous one at that.
Then there’s another fella, this Hunxho, got himself arrested in Atlanta for havin’ a gun. See? Guns again. Always causin’ trouble. This Hunxho fella, he was at some fancy nightclub, LYFE ATL or somethin’. Sounds like a place for trouble, if you ask me. Good folks don’t need no fancy nightclubs to have a good time. They can sit on the porch, drink some sweet tea, and watch the fireflies. That’s good livin’, not this runnin’ around with guns nonsense.
I tell you what, these guns, they ain’t nothin’ but bad news. They break up families, they ruin lives. You see it on the news all the time, young folks shootin’ each other, for what? For nothin’. For pride, for respect, for stuff that don’t matter one bit when you’re lyin’ in the ground.
And this “huncho shot” thing, it just reminds me of all that sadness. It reminds me of all the wasted potential, all the tears, all the pain. It ain’t right, I tell you. It just ain’t right.
We gotta teach our young folks better. We gotta teach ’em that guns ain’t the answer. We gotta teach ’em to talk things out, to walk away from fights, to find another way. ‘Cause shootin’ each other, that ain’t the answer. It never was, and it never will be.
This Rylo Huncho, poor boy, his cousin set up one of them GoFundMe things for his mama. See? Left her all alone, just like that. Heartbreak, pure and simple. A self-inflicted gunshot wound, they say. Means he done it to himself. Lord, have mercy on his soul. And on his mama’s too. She’s the one carryin’ the burden now, the pain, the sorrow. All because of a gun.
So, next time you hear someone talkin’ ’bout guns, ’bout being a “huncho,” you remember this. You remember Rylo Huncho, and all the other young folks who lost their lives to gun violence. You remember the mamas cryin’, the daddies grievin’. You remember the pain, the sorrow, the waste. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll think twice before you pick up a gun. Maybe you’ll choose a different path. A better path. A path that leads to life, not death.

That’s all I gotta say. Just an old woman’s thoughts, you know? Plain and simple. But sometimes, the plain and simple truth is the most important thing.
Tags: Rylo Huncho, Hunxho, Gun Violence, Shooting, Atlanta, TikTok, Death, Safety, Youth, Community