Well, howdy there! Let me tell ya ’bout Thanksgiving in 2018, you know, that time of year when folks get together and eat a whole lotta food. Don’t rightly remember all the fancy details, but I’ll tell ya what I know.
When was Thanksgiving in 2018? Yep, Thanksgiving in 2018 was on November 22nd. That’s right, a Thursday. Always on a Thursday, that’s the rule they say. Not sure who made that rule, but it’s been that way for as long as I can remember. They say some president fella way back when, Lincoln I think, said it should be on a Thursday in November. Good enough for him, good enough for me, I reckon.

- Thanksgiving Day: November 22nd, 2018
- It was on a Thursday.
Now, some folks get all confused about why it’s on that particular Thursday. They say it’s got somethin’ to do with the harvest, you know, gatherin’ all the crops and stuff. Makes sense, I guess. You work hard all year, then you get a day to be thankful for all the food you got. That’s what I always thought anyways.
I heard tell that a long, long time ago, Thanksgiving wasn’t always on the same day. Seems like it bounced around a bit. Can you imagine? One year it’s one day, the next it’s another. Confusin’, ain’t it? But then, some other president fella, Roosevelt, I think his name was, he fiddled with it some more. Moved it around a bit, folks got all riled up, so they settled on that fourth Thursday in November. Sounds about right, I guess.
Anyways, in 2018, it was on the 22nd. And that’s all that really matters, right? A day for eatin’, a day for bein’ thankful, and a day for bein’ with family. That’s what I always say. We had a big ol’ turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing… oh, and that cranberry sauce outta the can. You know the kind, the one that jiggles? My grandkids love that stuff. Me, I prefer the real cranberries, but hey, it’s Thanksgiving.
We all sat around the big table, the whole family, even Aunt Millie who complains about everything. But even she was smilin’ that day. It’s hard not to smile when you’re surrounded by good food and good company. We ate and ate until we couldn’t eat no more. Then we sat around and talked, told stories, and laughed. It was a good day, a real good day.
Thanksgiving 2018, a day to remember. Not ’cause of the date so much, but because of the people. That’s what makes Thanksgiving special, you see? It ain’t about the turkey or the pie, it’s about bein’ together and bein’ grateful. That’s somethin’ we can all do, no matter what year it is.
So, that’s the story of Thanksgiving in 2018, as best as I can remember it. Not sure if I got all the fancy details right, but the important thing is, we were together, and we were thankful. And that’s what counts, ain’t it?
Remember, always be grateful for what you have, even if it ain’t much. There’s always somethin’ to be thankful for, even if it’s just a warm bed and a full belly. That’s what my mama always told me, and she was a wise woman, she was.
Yep, Thanksgiving 2018 was a good one. Hope yours was too. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go make myself a sandwich. All this talk about food has made me hungry!

Tags: [Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving 2018, Thanksgiving date, November 22, holiday, harvest, family, gratitude, feast]