Well, let me tell ya ’bout the weather, August 8th, 2024. It’s been kinda all over the place, ya know? Some days hot as a furnace, some days just right, and some days wet enough to make a duck jealous. I ain’t no fancy weather person, but I can tell ya what I felt on my bones, and what I heard folks talkin’ about.
First off, let’s talk about the heat. This August, sheesh, some days it felt like you could fry an egg on the sidewalk! They say it’s been hotter than usual in some places, like them big cities. Here, it’s been up and down. One day you’re sweatin’ like a pig, the next day you need a sweater. Goes to show ya, weather’s got a mind of its own. Can’t trust it no matter what them fancy folks on TV say.

Then there’s the rain. Oh boy, the rain! It ain’t just a little sprinkle, no sir. We had some real gully-washers this month. The kind that makes the creeks rise and the roads turn to mud. Good for the garden, I guess, but a pain in the neck if you gotta go somewhere. I heard some places had it even worse, with floods and all that mess. We were lucky, just a bit of water in the cellar, nothing too bad. But that rain, it just keeps comin’ and goin’.
Now, I ain’t been everywhere, but I heard stories from folks who travel. They say it’s warm over in them Koreas, hot and sticky like. And Taiwan, hotter still! Can you imagine? Sweatin’ all day and all night. Not for me, thank you very much. California, though, they say it’s nice and sunny over there in August. Warm, but not too hot, and not much rain. Sounds like a good place to be if you don’t like the sweat and the wet.
Some other places, they got it different. Out in them plains, they say it’s hot and dry, real scorcher weather. Makes me thankful for what we got, even if it ain’t perfect. Cause too much heat ain’t good for nothin’ but lyin’ around, and you still sweat like a pig! And nobody wants that, no sir.
- Hot days: Some real scorchers, felt like fryin’ an egg on the sidewalk hot.
- Rainy days: We had some gully-washers, the kind that makes the creeks rise.
- Warm places: Korea and Taiwan, hot and sticky.
- Sunny places: California, nice and warm, not too much rain.
- Dry places: Out in them plains, hot and dry.
So, that’s the weather for ya, as best as I can tell. It’s been a mixed bag, that’s for sure. Hot, cold, wet, dry, you name it, we probably had it this August. Makes you appreciate the good days, that’s for sure. And makes you keep a sweater and an umbrella handy, just in case. Cause you never know what tomorrow’s gonna bring.
Overall, it seems like August 2024 was a bit of a wild ride weather-wise. Some places hotter than usual, some wetter than usual, and some just right. It’s all part of nature, I guess. You just gotta roll with the punches and be prepared for anything. That’s what I always say, be prepared! Like that Boy Scout thing, be prepared. Anyways, it’s important!
And don’t forget, no matter what them weather folks say, Mother Nature, she’s the boss! And she does what she pleases. And we all gotta live with it! That’s what makes the weather so interesting ain’t it? Always changing, always something new. Keeps you on your toes, that’s for sure.
Tags: [Weather, August, 2024, Temperature, Rain, Climate, Global, Forecast]