Car Wreck on I-35: What a Mess!
Well, let me tell you, I heard some ruckus about a car wreck on I-35. Folks are always drivin’ too fast, like they got bees in their britches. I tell ya, I-35, that road’s somethin’ else. Always busy, always cars zoomin’ by.

This mornin’, seems like it was a real bad one. Heard tell there was a big truck involved, a semi-truck they call it. Lordy, those things are huge! When one of them crashes, it ain’t pretty. Traffic was stopped dead, they say. Just imagine, all them folks stuck, can’t get to work, can’t get home. A real mess, it was.
- Heard it happened near some exit ramp. Don’t know which one, they all look the same to me.
- Folks sayin’ there was another accident in San Antonio too, on the same I-35. What’s with that road? Seems cursed or somethin’.
- And then, just the other day, another one in Laredo. Two cars smashed up, they say. Near exit 3, wherever that is.
Seems like this I-35 is a real trouble maker. I swear, more cars than you can shake a stick at, and everyone in a hurry. No wonder they keep crashin’ into each other. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy cars and fast roads. We walked mostly, or maybe took a horse-drawn wagon. It was slower, sure, but it was safer. Nobody was zoomin’ around like a bat outta hell.
This one in Austin, they say it was five cars tangled up. Five! Can you imagine? All that metal and glass and… who knows what else. Hope nobody got hurt too bad. Always worryin’ about the young folks, drivin’ too fast, lookin’ at their phones. I tell ya, they need to pay attention to the road!
They had to shut down part of the road, of course. Had to clear all that mess, tow the cars away. Takes forever, it does. And then the traffic, oh boy, the traffic. Miles and miles of cars, just sittin’ there. Brake lights glowin’ like fireflies. People honkin’ their horns, gettin’ all riled up. Waste of gas, waste of time. All because folks can’t slow down and be careful.
I tell ya, I don’t envy them city folk. All that traffic, all that noise, all that rushin’ around. Give me the quiet country life any day. At least out here, the only traffic jam is a bunch of cows crossin’ the road. And they ain’t in no hurry, let me tell ya.
So, if you’re drivin’ on I-35, or any road for that matter, you just remember what I said. Slow down, pay attention, and be careful. It ain’t worth rushin’ and endin’ up in a ditch, or worse. Life’s too short to be wastin’ it on a car wreck.
Stay Safe Out There!
And that’s all I got to say about that car wreck on I-35. Heard it on the radio, you know. They always talkin’ about somethin’ on that radio. Sometimes I think they just make things up to scare folks. But this one sounded real enough. So, you be careful out there, ya hear?

Tags: [I-35 accident, car crash, Austin traffic, San Antonio traffic, Laredo accident, semi-truck accident, traffic delays, road safety, highway accidents, commute]