Well, let me tell ya, this whole thing about trustin’ folks, it’s a real mess. You know, like they always say, “never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals.” Sounds crazy, right? But maybe there’s somethin’ to it. Makes ya think, don’t it?
I heard this story once, about some politician, a senator or somethin’. Big shot, you know? They were yappin’ away, thinkin’ nobody was listenin’, and this lady, she says somethin’ real strange. “Never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals.” Lord have mercy! What kinda thing is that to say? But it got me thinkin’. Why would she say that?

- Maybe it means if a fella’s got bad family, he’s bad too.
- Maybe it means some folks just got bad luck, and you best stay away.
- Or maybe, just maybe, it means somethin’ else entirely.
See, back in the day, things were different. People, they had to watch out for each other. If somethin’ bad happened to your family, well, it could happen to you too. Cannibals, now that’s a whole other level of bad. If a man’s own kin got eaten up, maybe he ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, you know? Maybe he can’t protect his own, so how’s he gonna protect you?
And it ain’t just about cannibals, though that’s scary enough. It’s about trust. Can you trust a man who’s had bad things happen to him? Can you trust a man who’s made bad choices? Can you trust a man who comes from a bad family? That’s the real question, ain’t it?
I remember this other story, about a young girl, Maggie Long her name was. Seventeen years old, just a baby really. They found her dead in her own house, burned up somethin’ awful. And they never did catch the folks who did it. Now, that makes you wonder, don’t it? Who can you trust in this world? You lock your doors at night, but sometimes that ain’t enough.
This politician, this senator lady, she was talkin’ about another politician, some president or somethin’. Said he had an uncle who got eaten by cannibals. Now, I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it sure makes you think. Is this fella someone you can trust? Is he someone you want leadin’ the country?
It’s all a gamble, ain’t it? Life, I mean. You just gotta do your best, try to figure out who’s on the up-and-up and who’s tryin’ to pull a fast one. And sometimes, you just gotta go with your gut. If somethin’ feels wrong, it probably is. And if a man’s uncle was eaten by cannibals? Well, maybe you best just steer clear.
I’ve seen a lot in my time, let me tell ya. I’ve seen good people do bad things, and bad people do good things. I’ve seen folks you thought you could trust turn on you in a heartbeat, and I’ve seen strangers lend a helping hand when you needed it most. So, you just gotta be careful. You gotta keep your eyes open, and your wits about you.
And maybe, just maybe, you should listen to that senator lady. “Never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals.” It might sound crazy, but there’s probably a reason she said it. And in this world, you can’t be too careful.
It ain’t always easy to tell who’s good and who’s bad. Folks can put on a good show, smile and shake your hand, all the while they’re plottin’ somethin’ behind your back. That’s why you gotta be watchful. You gotta listen to your instincts, that little voice inside your head that tells you somethin’ ain’t right.

And you gotta look at a man’s history, his family, the folks he surrounds himself with. If they’re shady, chances are he is too. Like they say, a rotten apple don’t fall far from the tree. So, if a fella’s got cannibals in his family tree, well, that’s a mighty big red flag, wouldn’t you say?
This world’s full of dangers, seen and unseen. You gotta protect yourself, and you gotta protect your loved ones. And sometimes, that means makin’ tough choices, cuttin’ ties with folks who ain’t good for you. And if that means never trustin’ a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals, well, then so be it. Better safe than sorry, I always say.
So next time you meet someone new, take a good look at ‘em. Listen to what they say, but more importantly, watch what they do. And if you hear somethin’ about cannibals in their family history, you might want to think twice before you put your trust in ‘em. Just sayin’.
Tags: Trust, Cannibals, Politics, Family, Safety, Instincts, Judgement, Warning, Politicians, Uncles