Well, bless your heart, running in 100-degree weather, ain’t that somethin’? It’s hotter than a pepper sprout in July, I tell ya. But if you’re set on doin’ it, you gotta be smart about it, or you’ll end up like a wilted daisy in the sun.
First off, that heat, it ain’t no joke. Them smart folks call it the “heat index,” somethin’ about the heat and the wetness in the air makin’ it feel even hotter. They say if it’s hotter than your body, like around 98 degrees or so, and it’s sticky outside, you best stay put. Above 100 degrees? That’s just plain dangerous, they say. Folks can get sick real quick, and nobody wants that.

Now, if you’re gonna run in this heat, you gotta take it slow. Don’t go runnin’ like a scalded dog, you hear? You ain’t gonna break no records when it’s this hot. Your body’s workin’ overtime just tryin’ to keep cool, so you gotta give it a break. Pace yourself, like you’re strollin’ to the mailbox, not chasin’ after a runaway chicken.
- Drink plenty of water, like you’re waterin’ a thirsty plant. Don’t wait till you’re feelin’ dry as a bone, ’cause then it’s too late. Sip on it regular, before, during, and after your run. Them fancy water backpacks, they call ’em camel-somethings, those are good for keepin’ the water handy.
- Dress right, too. Light colors, loose fittin’ clothes, that’s what you need. Nothin’ tight and dark, ’cause that’ll just trap the heat. And a hat, a good wide-brimmed hat, to keep the sun off your face. You don’t want to look like a wrinkled prune before your time.
- And listen to your body. It’ll tell you when it’s had enough. If you start feelin’ dizzy, or your head’s achin’, or you’re just plain tired, stop runnin’. Find some shade, sit down, and cool off. Ain’t no shame in takin’ a break. Better to be safe than sorry, that’s what I always say.
They say it takes a couple of weeks for your body to get used to the heat. So don’t go runnin’ ten miles the first day. Start slow, short runs, and then add a little bit more each time. Let your body catch up, you know? And don’t you fret if your time ain’t no good. Just be glad you made it!
Some folks say you shouldn’t run at all if it’s over 95 degrees. That sounds about right to me. But if you gotta, if you just can’t sit still, then at least do it early in the mornin’ or late in the evenin’, when the sun ain’t beatin’ down so hard. And find a shady route, if you can. Runnin’ under the trees is a whole lot cooler than runnin’ in the open sun.
And one more thing, don’t forget your sunscreen. Protecting your hide from the sun is important. Just lather up that sunscreen on any part that’s out in the open. Nobody wants skin like an old leather boot!
Runnin’ in 100-degree weather ain’t for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. But if you’re careful, if you listen to your body, and if you take it slow, you can do it. Just remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, especially when it’s hotter than blazes outside. Stay safe, stay cool, and happy runnin’, y’all.
Now remember, this ain’t no doctor talkin’. This is just plain common sense, the kind your grandma would tell ya. If you got any real concerns, go talk to a doctor, not an old woman like me. But if you just want some friendly advice, well, I’m happy to share what I know. Stay safe out there, and don’t let that sun get the best of ya.
But you know, maybe sometimes it’s just plain too hot. If it’s dangerous, just stay put, drink some sweet tea, and wait for a cooler day. There’s always tomorrow, after all. No need to go temptin’ fate, especially when it comes to somethin’ like heatstroke. That’s somethin’ you definitely don’t want, so be careful out there, ya hear?
Tags: [Running in Heat, Heat Index, Running Safety, Hot Weather Exercise, Hydration, Summer Running, Heat Precautions, Running Tips]