Alright, let’s talk about them hornets in Texas. You know, the buzzing critters that make you wanna run for the hills? Yeah, them. I ain’t no fancy bug expert or nothin’, but I’ve seen my fair share of ’em, and I can tell ya a thing or two.

First off, Texas got all kinds of hornets and wasps, and it ain’t always easy to tell ’em apart. Some are red, some are black, some are big, some are small. But one thing’s for sure, they all sting, and it ain’t no fun. Them stings hurt like the devil, lemme tell ya. My grandson got stung once, swelled up like a toad, poor fella.
Now, them leafcutter bees, they’re kinda different. They ain’t really hornets but they’re around. They got this funny way of building their nests, cutting up leaves all neat and tidy. They’re loners, them bees, not like them wasps that hang out in big ol’ gangs.
- Red wasps, now them’s the mean ones. They build their papery nests all over the place, under the eaves of your house, in the shed, anywhere they can find a spot.
- And then there’s them bald-faced hornets. They ain’t really hornets neither; they’re more like wasps. They got these big ol’ nests, look like a grey football hanging from a tree. Stay far away from them, I tell ya.
Why do they sting? Well, they’re just protecting their homes, same as you would. They think you’re gonna mess with their babies, they gonna come after ya. Best thing to do if you see one is to just freeze. Don’t go swattin’ at it or nothin’, that’ll just make it madder. Just stand real still and let it be, that’s what I always do. If you stay still maybe it won’t sting you to pieces.
Their sting? Oh, it’s a doozy. It ain’t just a little pinch, no sir. It burns and it swells, and sometimes it can even make you sick. If you get stung, put some ice on it, that helps a little. And if you’re allergic, well, you better get to a doctor quick, ’cause it can be real dangerous.
I remember this one time, my neighbor’s boy, he was messing with a wasp nest, thought it was funny. Well, them wasps didn’t think it was so funny. They chased him all over the yard, stinging him left and right. He ended up in the hospital, all puffed up and miserable. Taught him a lesson, that’s for sure. You gotta respect them critters, even if they are mean and stingy.
So how do you keep them hornets and wasps away from your house? Well, there ain’t no foolproof way, but there’s a few things you can do. Keep your yard clean, don’t leave food and drinks out, and seal up any cracks and holes where they might build their nests. You can also buy them wasp traps, hang ’em up around your yard. Some folks say sprayin’ peppermint oil keeps them away, but I ain’t never tried it myself. Seems kinda silly to me to spray that stuff everywhere. Mostly, just be careful, and keep an eye out for them nests.
And if you do find a nest, don’t try to knock it down yourself, unless you know what you’re doing. That’s just asking for trouble. Call a professional, they got the right gear and know how to handle it safely. It ain’t worth gettin’ stung to save a few bucks, believe me.
Texas hornets and wasps, they’re just part of life out here. You gotta learn to live with ’em, I guess. Just be smart, be careful, and don’t go messin’ with ’em, and you’ll be alright. And if you do get stung, well, just grin and bear it. It’s part of living in the country, I reckon. It ain’t gonna kill ya, most times anyway. Just make you wish it did for a little while.

There are lots of different kinds of hornets and wasps in Texas. If you’re really worried about it, go look it up on that internet thing the kids are always on. They know everything about everything on there, it seems. But if you ask me, the best thing is just common sense. Keep your eyes open, be careful, and don’t be a fool around them flying stingers. If you do that, you’ll do alright.
Tags: Hornets, Wasps, Texas, Stings, Insects, Pests, Nest, Prevention, Safety, Leafcutter Bees