Well, howdy there! Let’s gab a bit about that Thanksgiving thingy from way back in 2018. You know, the one where everyone gobbles down turkey like there’s no tomorrow? Yep, that one.
Now, I ain’t no fancy calendar-lookin’ person, but I do recall that Thanksgiving in 2018 was on Thursday, November 22nd. That’s right, the twenty-second day of November. Folks were all a-buzzin’ about gettin’ their fillin’s and pies ready.

Some folks get all confused about when Thanksgiving is, thinkin’ it changes all willy-nilly. But it don’t. It’s always on the fourth Thursday of November. Just like how the sun rises in the east, that’s how it is with Thanksgiving.
- Always on a Thursday, mind you. Not a Friday, not a Wednesday, a Thursday!
- And it’s gotta be the fourth one of them Thursdays in November. Not the first, not the second, not the third. The fourth! You got that straight?
Now, 2018 wasn’t no special year for Thanksgiving, not like them leap years or whatever. It was just a regular ol’ Thanksgiving on the regular ol’ fourth Thursday. Some years, that Thursday falls earlier, some years later. But in 2018, it was on the 22nd. Mark my words!
I remember that year pretty good. My grandbabies came over, and we had a feast fit for a king, or maybe just a whole bunch of hungry farmers! We had turkey, of course, mashed potatoes as smooth as butter, gravy thick enough to stick to your ribs, and all sorts of pies – pumpkin, apple, pecan, you name it! We ate and ate ’til we couldn’t eat no more. Then we sat around and told stories and laughed ’til our bellies hurt. That’s what Thanksgiving is all about, ain’t it? Bein’ thankful for what you got and spendin’ time with the folks you love.
Some folks say Thanksgiving is about the harvest and all that. And I guess that’s true, way back when. But now, for me, it’s just a time to be grateful. Grateful for my family, my friends, my health, and a roof over my head. And grateful for a good, hot meal, that’s for sure!
Now, I heard tell that some folks like to plan their Thanksgivings way in advance. They start thinkin’ about it months ahead of time, plannin’ the menu, buyin’ the groceries, and gettin’ everything just so. Me? I just kinda wing it. I figure as long as I got a turkey and some potatoes, I’m good to go. And if I ain’t got somethin’, well, I’ll just make do with somethin’ else. That’s how we do things around here. We ain’t fancy, but we sure do know how to have a good time.
So, there you have it. Thanksgiving in 2018 was on November 22nd, a Thursday. And it was a good one, a real good one. I hope you had a good one too, wherever you were and whoever you were with. And if you didn’t, well, there’s always next year. Just remember, it’ll be on the fourth Thursday of November, you hear?
And don’t you go forgettin’ to be thankful, neither. That’s the most important part of the whole shebang. Be thankful for the big things, be thankful for the little things, and be thankful for everything in between. That’s what I say. And I reckon that’s all I gotta say about Thanksgiving 2018. Now, go on and get yourself a slice of pie. You deserve it.
Tags: [Thanksgiving 2018, November 22, Thanksgiving date, Fourth Thursday, Thanksgiving celebration, Family, Gratitude, Harvest]