Alright, let me tell ya ’bout this Black Friday thing, back in 2014. Folks was all worked up about it, like a hen in a fox house. They called it “Black Friday 2014 Leaked,” sounded all mysterious and whatnot.
So, what it was, see, was these stores, big ones like Walmart and Best Buy and even that eBay place, they was plannin’ to have these big sales the day after Thanksgiving. You know, that turkey day? Well, somehow, word got out ’bout what they was gonna sell and how cheap it was gonna be. The ads, they called ’em, leaked out early. Like a busted water pipe, information just sprayin’ everywhere.

- They had these things called Chromebooks, little computers, for like 150 bucks. Cheap as dirt, I tell ya.
- And TVs, oh my, big ol’ TVs for prices that’d make your jaw drop. People was linin’ up for them things like crows on a fence line.
- Video games too. Them young’uns, they was all crazy for them. Cheap games, they was.
Now, I ain’t no fancy shopper, you understand. I buy what I need, when I need it. But even I was tempted by some of them deals. Heard tell some folks was campin’ out in front of the stores for days, just to be first in line. Can you imagine? Sleepin’ on the cold ground, just for a cheap TV. Folks is crazy, I tell ya.
This “leaked ads” thing, it was all over the place. On the internet, they said. Folks was talkin’ ’bout it at the diner, at the church, everywhere you went. “Did you see them Black Friday deals?” they’d ask. “Gonna get yourself a new whatchamacallit?”
And it wasn’t just one or two things on sale, mind you. It was everything! Electronics, toys, clothes, even pots and pans. If you needed it, chances are it was on sale that Black Friday. They called ’em “doorbusters,” these deals. Like you had to bust down the door to get ’em. Crazy, ain’t it?
I remember hearin’ ’bout people fightin’ over them things. Grabbin’ and shovin’ and yellin’. Like a bunch of wild animals. All for a cheap TV or a toy or whatever. Made me shake my head, I tell ya. Where’s the manners? Where’s the decency?
But I guess that’s just how it is with these big sales. People get all caught up in the excitement, in the savin’ a few dollars. They forget their common sense, forget to be kind to each other. It’s a shame, really. A real shame.
So, that was Black Friday 2014, the year the ads leaked. A whole lotta fuss over a whole lotta cheap stuff. Some folks got some good deals, I reckon. And some folks probably just got a headache. Me? I stayed home, had a nice cup of coffee, and watched the birds. That’s more my speed, you see. Less fightin’, more peace and quiet.
This leakin’ of the ads though, it became a big thing. Every year after that, people started lookin’ for the ads early. Tryin’ to plan their shoppin’ and get the best deals. It changed things, I guess. Made it even more crazy.
And you know, these stores, they didn’t seem too upset about it. Maybe they even planned it that way, who knows? Get people all riled up, get ’em talkin’, get ’em spendin’. That’s how they make their money, I s’pose.

Anyway, that’s my take on it. Black Friday 2014 leaked, and the world went a little crazy for a day or two. Then things went back to normal, until the next big sale came along. It’s the way of things, I guess. Always somethin’ new to get folks all worked up about.
Tags: [Black Friday, 2014, Deals, Leaked, Ads, Walmart, Best Buy, eBay, Electronics, Doorbusters]