Well now, let me tell ya ’bout the weather, September 21, 2024, or whenever. Don’t rightly remember the exact day, but it was somethin’ like that. Folks always fussin’ ’bout the weather, like it ain’t gonna do what it wants anyways.
What was the weather like back then? I tell ya, it was a mixed bag, like a sack of potatoes with a few rotten ones thrown in. Some days was hot as a furnace, sticky and sweaty, made ya wanna just sit in the shade and fan yourself with a newspaper. Other days, the rain come down like the good Lord was pourin’ buckets from the sky.

I remember one day, must’ve been around that September time, the sky turned all dark and angry-lookin’. The wind picked up, whistlin’ through the trees like a scared cat. Then, bam! Thunder and lightnin’ started crackin’ and boomin’. Scared the chickens half to death, they did. We all huddled inside, listenin’ to the rain beatin’ on the roof. It rained so hard, the ditches overflowed, and the roads turned into muddy rivers. That was some storm, I tell ya.
- Hot and sticky some days, like you’re in a steam bath.
- Rainy other days, sometimes just a drizzle, sometimes a downpour.
- Windy now and then, enough to blow your hat clean off your head.
- And sometimes, all of it at once, a real mess of weather.
Now, I ain’t no fancy weather person with all them gadgets and charts. I just look out the window and see what’s comin’. If the clouds are dark and the wind is blowin’, I know it’s gonna rain. If the sun is beatin’ down and the air is still, I know it’s gonna be hot. It ain’t rocket science, you know?
They got these weather folks on the TV, talkin’ ’bout temperatures and pressures and all that fancy stuff. I don’t pay ’em much mind. They say it’s gonna be sunny, and it rains. They say it’s gonna rain, and it’s sunny. Can’t ever seem to get it right. Just look outside, that’s what I say. The sky will tell ya what ya need to know.
And don’t even get me started on them weather reports. They talk about “atmospheric pressure” and “historical weather data.” What in tarnation does that even mean? I just wanna know if I need to bring an umbrella or put on a sweater. They make it all complicated, tryin’ to sound smart. But I tell ya, the old ways are still the best. Look at the sky, feel the wind, listen to the animals. They know more about the weather than any of them fancy weather folks.
I remember hearin’ somethin’ about a weather forecast for Singapore around that time. Singapore, ain’t that a far piece away? They said somethin’ about thunderstorms and temperatures and such. Don’t know why I remember that, just stuck in my head, I guess. Weather’s weather, no matter where you are. Hot, cold, wet, dry, that’s all there is to it.
And talkin’ ’bout bein’ prepared, that’s important too. You don’t wanna get caught in a storm without an umbrella, or in the heat without a hat. Common sense, really. But some folks, they just don’t think ahead. They go out in their shorts and flip-flops when it’s gonna rain, and then they complain about gettin’ soaked. Can’t fix stupid, I tell ya.
So, that’s my take on the weather, September 21, 2024, or thereabouts. It was what it was, a mix of everything, just like life. You take the good with the bad, the sunshine with the rain, and you keep on goin’. And don’t forget your umbrella. You never know when you might need it.
Weather changes you know, just like everything else. One day is sunny, the next day who knows. Can be hot can be cold. You just gotta be ready, that’s all. Remember that time back in oh, when was it? Summer of ’88, I think. We had a hailstorm, biggest hailstones I ever did see. Bounced off the roof like rocks. Broke a few windows too. That was somethin’ else.

Anyway, I’m gettin’ old and my memory ain’t what it used to be. But I do remember that the weather around September 21, 2024 was a bit of a mixed bag, just like I said before. So, there you have it. My weather report, plain and simple, just like me. Now go on and get yourself a cup of coffee.
Tags: [Weather, September, 2024, Forecast, Rain, Sun, Temperature, Storm, Singapore, Preparation]