Well, let me tell you ’bout this thing I heard, this Adrian Grace Moss, yeah, that’s the name. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? Don’t know her from Adam, but the story, well, it’s somethin’ else.
So, there’s this woman, right? Thirty-four years old, they say. Thirty-four! And you won’t believe what happened. It all started with a phone call, a little kid, all scared and such. He was locked in a truck, can you imagine? Poor little fella, all alone and the truck ain’t even running. Hot as a furnace in Texas, I reckon.

The police, they got the call, the nine-one-one thingy. They come a-runnin’, sirens blaring and all that. And who do they find? This Adrian Grace Moss. Yep, her. Now, I ain’t sayin’ she’s a bad egg, but bein’ locked in a hot truck, that ain’t right, no matter how you slice it.
What in the world was she thinkin’? I mean, a grown woman, leavin’ a kid in a truck like that. It ain’t like forgettin’ your keys on the counter. This is a whole ‘nother level of forgettin’, if you ask me. Makes you wonder what’s goin’ on in some folks’ heads, you know?
They say the boy called himself. Can you believe that? A little tyke knowin’ how to dial nine-one-one. Kids these days, they’re smarter than we give ’em credit for, that’s for sure. Good thing he did, too. Lord knows what woulda happened if he hadn’t.
- Hot car, that’s dangerous. Everyone knows that.
- Little kid, all alone. Makes my heart ache just thinkin’ about it.
- Police comin’, sirens wailin’. It was a whole big to-do, I tell ya.
- And then, there’s this Adrian Grace Moss. Thirty-four years old, and caught up in this mess.
Now, I ain’t one to judge, but this ain’t right. Leavin’ a young’un like that, it’s just plain wrong. Makes me wanna shake some sense into folks sometimes. They say she was the mother, you know? The very person supposed to care for that child.
Heard it was in Lakeway, that’s where it all happened. Lakeway Police Department, they were the ones who got the call, the ones who found the boy and this Adrian Grace Moss. They probably see all sorts of things, those officers. But this, this had to be somethin’ else, even for them.
Folks are talkin’, you know? Whisperin’ and gossiping. That’s what happens in small towns, or big towns even, I reckon. News travels fast, especially when it’s somethin’ like this. Somethin’ that just makes you shake your head and wonder.
I tell you what, it makes you appreciate the good things in life. Makes you hug your own young’uns a little tighter, you know? Makes you thankful for the folks who do right, who take care of their own and don’t go around leavin’ kids in hot cars.
Don’t know what happened after they found them, after the police showed up. Don’t know if she went to jail, or got fined, or what. But I hope she learned her lesson, that’s for sure. And I hope that little boy is okay. That’s what really matters, ain’t it? The young’uns, they’re the future. We gotta look out for ’em.

So, that’s the story of Adrian Grace Moss, as far as I know it. A thirty-four-year-old woman, a locked truck, a scared little boy, and the police. It’s a story that makes you think, makes you wonder, and makes you appreciate what you got. And it’s a story I won’t be forgettin’ anytime soon, that’s for sure.
It’s a darn shame, it is. Just a darn shame. Kids deserve better, plain and simple. They didn’t ask to be brought into this world, and it’s our job, everyone’s job, to keep ’em safe. And that includes not lockin’ ’em in hot trucks, or doin’ anything else that might put ’em in harm’s way.
Hope they throw the book at her, or at least make sure she learns her lesson. Some folks just don’t have the sense God gave a goose, I swear. You’d think a grown woman would know better. But then again, some folks never grow up, do they? They just get older.
Tags: [Adrian Grace Moss, Lakeway Police, Locked Truck, Child Safety, Texas, Incident, News]