Well, howdy there! Let me tell ya ’bout somethin’ real sad happenin’ in Austin, Texas. It’s ’bout folks gettin’ murdered, you see. Yep, killed dead.
Folks Dyin’ in Austin

Heard tell there’s been a whole mess of killin’s goin’ on. They sayin’ on the TV, and even the young’uns with their fancy phones are talkin’ ’bout it. One fella, they found him dead right downtown, on 6th Street. Can ya believe it? Right there where all them fancy bars and music places are. Just lyin’ there, gone. Makes ya shiver, it does.
- One poor soul found dead on 6th Street downtown.
- Another found dead in an apartment up north, on somethin’ called Wonsley Drive.
And it ain’t just one or two. They sayin’ it’s the 65th murder this year! Sixty-five folks gone and done for. That’s a heap of people, ain’t it? More than last year, some say. Lord have mercy.
More Killin’ News
Then there’s this other story, real awful. A man, ’bout 34 years old they say, killed his own mama and daddy. Can ya imagine? The folks that brought ya into this world, and ya go and shoot ’em dead. And that ain’t all. He went on and killed four more folks in another place. Pure evil, that’s what it is.
And just this week, they found six folks dead, and three hurt real bad, all in one day! Two different towns, it happened in. Seems like the devil’s got a hold of some folks, makin’ ’em do terrible things.
Police Workin’ Hard
The police, they’re runnin’ around like chickens with their heads cut off tryin’ to figure it all out. They sayin’ they got that fella who killed his folks and the others. Locked him up good, I hope. But there’s still all these other murders. Seven just this month, they say. Four in one week! It’s enough to make ya wanna stay inside and lock the doors.
Scary Times

Austin Murder Rate is High
They talkin’ ’bout numbers on the TV. Sayin’ 64 folks murdered by November 25th this year. Last year, it was 73, and the year before that, 71. That’s a lot of killin’, no matter how ya slice it. Makes ya wonder what’s goin’ on in the world. Folks ain’t right these days, that’s for sure.
It’s a sad state of affairs, I tell ya. Makes ya wanna hold your loved ones close and pray for the world. Hope them police catch all them bad folks and put a stop to all this killin’. Austin used to be such a nice place, but now… well, it’s got me worried, that’s for sure.
I hope things get better soon. Folks need to start treatin’ each other right, instead of hurtin’ and killin’. That’s all I got to say ’bout it. It ain’t right, this murderin’ business. It just ain’t right.
Tags: [Austin, Texas, Murder, Homicide, Crime, Police, Investigation, Death, Violence, Safety]