Alright, let me tell ya ’bout this Austin news shootin’ thing. Heard it on the TV, real messy stuff, it was.
What happened in Austin, you ask? Well, from what I gather, some fool went and got himself shot by the police. Up in Northwest Austin, they say. Poor fella, dead right there on the spot. Around 9 in the mornin’, it happened. They called it an “officer-involved shooting,” which is just fancy talk for the police shootin’ someone.

Now, they ain’t sayin’ why they shot him, not yet anyway. Just that it was a “deadly” shootin’. Means the guy ain’t comin’ back, that’s for sure. Police are lookin’ into it, “investigatin’,” they call it. Guess they gotta make sure their boys did the right thing.
Heard on the radio that the fella’s name was somethin’ like “Labrie.” Don’t know him from Adam, but still, it’s a sad thing, a life bein’ taken like that.
- They found him dead right there, didn’t even make it to the hospital.
- Police ain’t sayin’ much, just that they’re lookin’ into it.
- Happened up in Northwest Austin.
But that ain’t all, no sirree. Seems like there was more shootin’ goin’ on, not just in Austin but down in San Antonio too. Can ya believe it? Six folks dead, and a couple of police officers got hurt too. Tuesday was a bad day, real bad.
They caught a fella, a “suspect” they call him. Means they think he did it. Don’t know why he went ’round shootin’ folks, maybe he was just plain crazy. Some folks are like that, ya know? Got a screw loose or somethin’.
This whole thing got me thinkin’, this world’s gettin’ mighty dangerous. People shootin’ each other left and right. Makes a body scared to even go to the grocery store sometimes. Back in my day, things weren’t like this. Sure, we had our troubles, but nothin’ like this constant shootin’.
What’s the world comin’ to, I ask ya? Kids these days, they got no respect for life. Always on them phones and computers, fillin’ their heads with all sorts of nonsense. Maybe that’s why they go around shootin’ folks, I don’t know.
Heard tell they got cameras everywhere now, even on the police. Body cameras, they call ’em. Guess that’ll show what really happened, who did what. Can’t hide from them cameras, they see everything. Maybe that’ll help, maybe it won’t. Only time will tell.
This Austin shootin’ and that San Antonio thing, it’s just a mess. Folks dyin’, families grievin’, and for what? Senseless violence, that’s what it is. Makes a body wonder if things will ever get better. Hope they do, sure do hope they do.

I tell ya, it’s enough to make a person want to lock their doors and never come out. But ya can’t live like that, can ya? Gotta keep goin’, gotta keep livin’. Just gotta be careful, I guess. Keep your eyes open, watch your back, and pray you don’t cross paths with some crazy fool with a gun. That’s all ya can do these days, it seems.
Lord have mercy on us all, that’s what I say. This world’s gone crazy, and I don’t see it gettin’ any better anytime soon. But we gotta keep the faith, gotta keep hopin’ for a better tomorrow. Even if it don’t seem likely right now.
So, that’s the story, as best as I can tell it. Austin news shootin’, San Antonio shootin’, lots of folks dead, and a whole lotta sadness. Pray for peace, folks, that’s all I can say. Pray for peace.
Tags: Austin, Officer, Shooting, Police, Texas, San Antonio, Crime, News, Investigation, Safety