Austin Texas Stabbing: What We Know
Well, let me tell ya, somethin’ real bad happened over in Austin, Texas. It’s all over the news, this stabbing thing. Scary stuff, I tell ya. Just terrible.
Folks are sayin’ it all started in the afternoon, May 1st. That’s what they’re sayin’ on the TV. Afternoon, May 1st, somethin’ went down. A real mess, it seems like.
Seems like there was this fella, and he went and stabbed a bunch of folks. Lord have mercy! They say one poor woman, she didn’t make it. Dead, just like that. Awful, just awful.
And it wasn’t just her, no sir. They sayin’ three other people got stabbed too. Three! Can you believe it? One of them was the fella doin’ the stabbin’, they say he got hurt too. Guess he wasn’t too smart, huh? Police got him now, though. Locked him up, I hope. Throw away the key, that’s what I say.
- One woman dead
- Three others stabbed, including the suspect
- Happened in North Austin
- Suspect arrested
This all happened in North Austin, they’re sayin’. In some house, I think. Not sure exactly where, but it’s up there in North Austin. Poor folks, livin’ up there, havin’ to deal with this mess. Makes you think, it does. Makes you wanna lock your doors and never leave the house.
Then there’s talk about another stabbin’, a different one. This one happened early Monday mornin’, they say. Another woman, stabbed multiple times! Can you imagine? Multiple times! They say she’s in real bad shape, critical they call it. Poor thing. Prayin’ for her, I am.
This second stabbin’, it was in an apartment, they say. Also in North Austin. Two stabbings, both in North Austin? What in the world is goin’ on over there? Makes you wonder, it does. Makes you wanna move far, far away.
They got a suspect for the first stabbin’, the one where the woman died. Police caught him, thank the Lord. They sayin’ he’s gonna be charged with murder. First-degree murder, they call it. That’s serious stuff. He’s gonna be in big trouble, that fella. Deserves it, too, I reckon.

They ain’t said much about who the people were, the ones who got stabbed. Just that one woman died, and the others got hurt. Don’t know their names or nothin’. Probably keepin’ it quiet for the families, I guess. That’s how they do things these days. Keepin’ it all hush-hush. But it’s all over the news. Can’t keep a thing quiet these days, what with the TV and all.
The police, they’re callin’ it a first-degree murder charge. That means they think he meant to do it, I guess. Planned it out, maybe. Or just lost his temper real bad. Either way, it’s a terrible thing. Takes a real evil person to go around stabbin’ folks.
I don’t know what’s wrong with people these days. Seems like every time you turn on the TV, there’s somethin’ bad happenin’. Shootings, stabbings, all sorts of craziness. Makes you scared to even go to the grocery store sometimes. Makes you miss the old days, it does. When things were simpler, and people were nicer.
Well, that’s about all I know about this Austin stabbin’ mess. It’s a sad thing, real sad. Makes you appreciate what you got, it does. Makes you wanna hold your loved ones close. You never know what might happen, no sir. You never know.
Stay safe out there, folks. And keep your doors locked. You never know what kind of crazy people are walkin’ around. That’s the truth, I tell ya. The honest-to-goodness truth.