Well, let me tell ya, things ain’t been so good in Austin lately. Just heard on the TV ’bout some shootin’ goin’ on.
A Real Bad Day in Austin, Yep

Seems like some police officer got hisself killed. Awful, just awful. They said it happened early Saturday mornin’. This fella, this police officer, he was doin’ his job, tryin’ to keep folks safe, and then…bam! Gone. Just like that. Makes ya think, don’t it? One minute you’re here, the next…poof!
- They said there was a shootout. That means somebody was shootin’ back at the police. Don’t make no sense to me, why somebody would do such a thing.
- Heard tell there was another officer got hurt too. Hope he’s gonna be alright. Poor fella. And the person doin’ the shootin’, they said he’s dead too.
Folks are sayin’ it all started at some apartment complex. Northwest Austin, they said. Don’t know much about that part of town, but I hear it’s got a lot of them new-fangled buildin’s. Anyways, this fella, they called him a “suspect,” he was holed up in there, and the police, they went to get him. That’s when the shootin’ started, I reckon.
Police Officer Killed in Austin
It’s just a shame, it really is. A young man, probably got a family, out there tryin’ to do some good, and now he’s gone. And for what? Makes ya wanna cry, it does. My heart goes out to his kin, his mama and daddy, maybe a wife and young’uns. They’re the ones sufferin’ now.
They said the police chief, some fella named Henderson, talked about it on the TV. Said the officer was a good man, a brave man. Well, I reckon he was right. Takes a lot of guts to be a police officer these days. You never know what you’re gonna run into. One minute you’re handin’ out a ticket, the next you’re facin’ down some crazy fella with a gun.
Austin Shooting Leaves Three Dead
This whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach. Too much violence in this world, if you ask me. People shootin’ each other over nothin’. Don’t know what’s wrong with folks these days. Back in my day, things weren’t like this. We had our problems, sure, but we didn’t go around shootin’ each other. We settled things different. Maybe yelled a bit, maybe got into a fistfight, but we didn’t pull out no guns.
I heard the fella they shot, the one they said was doin’ the shootin’ at the police, they said his name was somethin’ like… Zackary somethin’ or other. He was only 27 years old. Just a young fella. Makes ya wonder what went wrong in his life, what made him do such a terrible thing. Maybe he was mixed up with the wrong crowd, maybe he had some mental problems. Whatever it was, it’s a tragedy. Two lives lost, and for what?

This happened back in November too, seems like. Another shootin’ with the Austin police. Folks gettin’ shot left and right. It ain’t right. Somethin’ gotta be done. But what? I don’t have the answers, I’m just an old woman. But I know this much: this violence gotta stop. We gotta find a way to live together, to get along. Otherwise, we’re all gonna end up shootin’ each other, and then where will we be?
Texas Officer and Suspect Killed in Shootout
It’s a sad day for Austin, a sad day for Texas, a sad day for the whole country. When a police officer gets killed, it’s like a stab in the heart of the community. They’re the ones who are supposed to protect us, and when they’re gone, it makes us all feel vulnerable. Makes us feel scared. And that ain’t right. We should feel safe in our own homes, in our own city.
I hope they catch whoever’s responsible, or I guess they already did if the suspect is dead too. I hope they get to the bottom of this. And I hope this never happens again. But I know it will. It always does. It’s a sad, sad world we live in. Just gotta pray for the best and hope things get better. But I ain’t holdin’ my breath.
Lord have mercy on us all. That’s all I gotta say. Lord have mercy.
Tags: [Austin, Texas, Police Officer, Shooting, Killed, Suspect, Dead, Violence, Tragedy, Safety]